We Gratefully Acknowledge our Generous Sponsors!
Bristol County Savings Bank
Diocese of Fall River
Richard and Muriel Lafrance & Family
Bank 5
Catholic Community of Central Fall River
J. Karam Management
Bob and Christine Long
Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus
My Brother’s Keeper
Stonehill College
Bishop Stang High School
Boston Document Systems
Nicholas M. and Meg Christ
Diocese of Fall River Catholic Cemeteries
Holy Redeemer Parish
HUB International
Jean MacCormack
Saint Anne’s Hospital
St. Julie Billiart Parish
The Robert F. Stoico/FIRSTFED Charitable Foundation
Atlantic Cleaning
Air Masters
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Brown Advisory
Castro, Thresher and Oliveira
Chafee Roofing
Jerry and Judy Coogan
Delta Dental of Massachusetts
D. F. Pray General Contractors
Paul Downey
John and Polly Feitelberg
Gold Medal Bakery
Holy Cross Parish
Maryellen Sullivan Hughes and Jim Hughes
Karam Financial Group
Donna Lamontagne
Lemieux Heating, Inc.
Letter Concepts, A Cathedral Company
Lincoln Financial Group
Lions Club of Fall River
Tom Long
Dr. and Mrs. M. Richard Pavao
RX Benefits
James Sabra
Sakonnet Associates
St. Anne’s Credit Union
St. Anthony St. Rita Parish
St. Mary’s Parish and Catholic School
St. Michael’s Credit Union
Carl and Natalie Taber
Donations & Tickets
ADAC (Steve Perla)
All Saints School
Atlantic Elevator
George Alzaibak
Amergent Inc.
Paul Antonellis
Araujo Farms
Atlantic Elevator
James Barron
Rev. George Bellenoit
Richard Brewer
Bishop Feehan High School
Rev. Marcel Bouchard
Atty. Peter Bullard
Maria Bunker
James and Lisa Castro
Catholic Schools Alliance
Nicholas L. Christ
Greg Clarkin
The Honorable Claudine Cloutier
Colliers Construction
Colonial Life
Commons Lunch Restaurant
Joseph Costa
Cryan Landscape
Davol Taunton Printing
Edward Dion
Durkin Financial
Shawna Erickson Florio
Espirito Santo School
Feno Plumbing Heating & Air
Dale Ferris
First Bristol Corporation
Fisher Bus
Collette Fortin
Richard and Madeleine Grace
Paula and John Freitas
Deacon Joe and Catherine Harrington
Holy Cross Parish
Holy Name School and Parish
Holy Trinity School
Holy Union Sisters
Peter Homen
Gary Howayeck
Brenda Hughes
David Hutchinson
J. Karam Management
James King
Neil Jackson
Paul Kawa
Dennis and Michelle Kelly
Ed Lambert
Lee’s Market
John Markey
Lemieux Heating
Lincoln Life AD&D
Knights of Columbus Fall River
LER Inc.
Mike Letendre
Lions Club of Fall River
Dan Long
Patrick Long
Virgnina Mahoney
Al Makkay
Maureen Makkay
Eileen Manchester
Atty. John Markey
Rep. Christopher Markey
Martelly – Billy Eccles
Barbara Martin
Jim Mathes
Joan Medeiros
Atty. John Mitchell
Betty-Ann Mullins
Tom and Holly Murray
Caitlyn Novo
Carolyn Novo
Oakwood Senior Estates
Dr. Larry and Charlotte Oliveira
George Oliveira
Rev. John Oliveira
Our Lady of Lourdes School
Pacheco Appraisal Service
Jim Palumbo
Christine and Matt Payette
Plante Jewelers
Alan and Janet Pontes
Prima CARE
Michael Quinn
DA Thomas Quinn
Thomas Quinn III
James and Dianne Quinn
The Honorable Joseph Reardon
Cassandra Robin
Roia Electrical
Robert Shaker
Saulino and Silvia
Sherry Construction
Phillip Silvia
Gil and Carol Simmons
Somerset Glass
Helene Sousa
St. Anthony of the Desert Parish
St. Francis Xavier School
St. John the Evangelist Parish & School
St. Joseph School
St. Julie Billiart Parish
St. Michael’s Credit Union
St. Michael’s School
St. Teresa of Calcutta School
Steen Development
TMLP Online
Tradition Energy
Rev. Msgr. Barry W. Wall
Jim Wallace
Randall Weeks
Wharf Restaurant
Rev. Richard Wilson
Leonard Worsley
YMCA Southcoast
Thanks to our In-Kind Donors
Bliss Dairy & Restaurant, Attleboro
Blount Fine Foods
Cask & Pig Kitchen and Alehouse
Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River
Cox Media
Dorothy Cox Candies
Fall River Country Club
Sandra Ferrari
Hilliards Chocolates
Market Basket
McGovern Family Restaurant
New Bedford Art Museum
New Bedford Whaling Museum
Panera Bread
Papa Gino’s & D’Angelo’s
Portugalia Marketplace
Nancy Rullo
Running Brook Vineyards, North Dartmouth
Ryan Amusement
Sagres Restaurant
Servedwell Hospitality, Cisco Brewers Kitchen and Bar
Shaw’s Supermarket
Somerset Creamery
Stop and Shop Supermarket
Tony’s Bakery
W.B. Mason
Westport Rivers Vineyard
Willow Tree Retail Store