Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 5:30 pm
Cocktail reception, dinner & program
White’s of Westport
Business Attire • Self-Parking
Janna Lafrance, Lafrance Hospitality and
John Feitelberg, President, Hub International
Kait Walsh, WPRI Channel 12
Timothy J. Cotter Friend of Catholic Education Award Recipient
Dennis Kelly
FACE Board member, Chairman of the Bristol County Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, and former President and Chairman of the Board of Bristol County Savings Bank and loyal advocate for Catholic education in the Diocese of Fall River
Featuring Matt Maher, Inspirational Speaker and Performer

Juno Award winning, nine-time Grammy nominee and four-time GMA Dove Award winner, Maher is a staple in the artistic and songwriting community. His inspirational songs have garnered multiple radio successes, writing and recording songs such as “Lord, I Need You,” “Because He Lives (Amen),” “Alive & Breathing,” and many others. Matt achieved a career highlight in 2013 when he performed at the Vigil Mass presided by Pope Francis, in front of a crowd of three million people, for World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. Two years later he performed again for the Pope in downtown Philadelphia as part of the World Meeting of Families, appearing along with The Fray, Aretha Franklin, Jim Gaffigan, and Mark Wahlberg, among others.
Click on the video below to hear members of the student choir who performed at last year’s Virtual FACE Scholarship Dinner
Thank You Sponsors!
– Presenting Sponsor $25,000 –

– Scholar Council $10,000 –

Richard & Muriel Lafrance & Family
– Student Mentor $5,000 –
Nick and Meg Christ
Happy Valley Ventures
My Brother’s Keeper
Northeast Alternatives
Scott Pray
– Patron Sponsor $3,000 –
Bank 5
Bishop Stang High School
Noreen Cotter
Joseph Feitelberg
First Bristol Corporation
Holy Redeemer Parish, Chatham
Lees Market
– Community Sponsor $1,000 –
Air Masters HVAC
Rev. George Bellenoit
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Bishop Feehan High School in Honor of Dennis Kelly
Jerry and Judy Coogan
Delta Dental
John and Polly Feitelberg
First Bristol Corporation
David and Mary Gauthier
Gay & Gay, P.C.
Mark Gendreau
Granite Government Solutions
Holy Cross Church
Ed and Sue Hurley
Robert Karam
Eleanor Kitchen
Lincoln Financial Group
Mechanics Cooperative Bank
Sarah Parker
Dr. M. Richard Pavao
Kerry and Brett Peroni
Prima Care, P.C.
John P. Redding
Mim and Jeff Sherman
St. Mary’s Catholic School
St. Mary’s Parish, Mansfield
Carl & Natalie Taber
Anna and Michael Tamburro
UMass Dartmouth
Wolf & Company
Melodie Wyttenbach
– Donations and Tickets –
All Saints Catholic School
Amergent Inc.
Anthony Cordeiro Insurance
Araujo Farms
Atlantic Elevator South, Inc.
Stephanie Barbosa
Rev. George Bellenoit
Bishop Connolly High School
Bishop Feehan High School
Bishop Stang High School
Rev. William Blottman
Coogan Fund
Bogle, DeAscentis & Coughlin, P.C.
Rev. Marcel Bouchard
Paul J. Briggs
Bristol County Savings Bank
Atty. Peter Bullard
Maria Bunker
John F. Burns
Rev. Jeffrey Cabral
Nicole Campbell
Laura Carrillo
Catholic Community of Central Fall River
Catholic School Alliance
Susan Caughey
Nick and Meg Christ
Nicholas Christ
James Clarkin
Claudine Cloutier, Esq.
Rico Conforti
Rev. Edward Correia
Joseph Costa
D.D.A. Industries, Inc.
Ellen Demetrius
Neil Doherty
Domino’s Pizza
Thomas Durkin
Shawna Erickson
Raymond Fava
Dale Ferris
First Bristol Corporation
Fisher Bus
Collette Fortin
Rev. David Frederici
John and Paul Freitas
Vin and Lisa Gandolfo
George’s Gas and Service
Gold Medal Bakery
Julia Goldschmidt
Richard and Madeleine Grace
Green Lady
John and Janine Higgins
Holy Name Church & School
Holy Trinity Church, Harwich
Holy Trinity School
Holy Union Sisters
David Hutchinson
J. Karam Management
Neil Jackson
Anne Jardin-Maynard
Karam Financial
Bob Karam
Steve Karam
Dennis and Michelle Kelly
Robert Kfoury
John C. and Marilyn Kiley
Kevin and Sue Kiley
Kevin & Kim Kilroy
Eleanor Kitchen
Ed Lambert
Jack Leddy
Lisa Levasseur
Lemeiux Plumbing and Heating
Michael and Ginny Letendre
Daniel Long
Dorothy Lopes
Mary Luzitano
Maureen Makkay
Markey & Walsh
Deacon Joe McGinley
Rev. James McLellan
Joan Medeiros
Maria Medeiros
Edward Mendes
John Mercer
Milltowne Pizza
Lindsay Carter Monteiro
Gillian Lewis Milligan Family
Betty Ann Mullins
Charles Murphy, Sr.
Carolyn Novo
Oakwood Senior Estates & North Farm Senior Estates
George and Barbara Oliveira
Our Lady of Lourdes School
Melissa Karam Panchley
Christine Payette
Plante Jewelers, Inc.
Alan and Janet Pontes
Honorable Thomas & Sharon Quinn
Andrew Raposo
Maria Rego
Jane and Kevin Robin
Barbara Rood
Saulino & Silvia, P.C.
Jack and Jo-Anne Sbrega
Sensing Systems Corporation
Somerset Glass Co., Inc.
Southcoast Greenlight Energy, Inc
Helene Sousa
St. Anne Shrine Preservation Society
St. Ann Parish, Raynham
St. Ann’s KOC #10289
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Francis Xavier School
St. James-St. John School
St. Joseph School
St. John the Evangelist, Pocasset
St. John the Evangelist/St. Vincent de Paul Attleboro
St. Mary- Our Lady of the Isle
St. Michael’s School
Michael and Kathy St. Laurent
Kenneth Steen
Roger and Kathy Sullivan
Sr. Marianna Sylvester
Bernard Taradash
The Ski House
The Wharf – Marissa Ferris
Vish Vass
Francis Venditti
Rev. Msgr. Barry Wall
James Wallace
Waring-Sullivan Funeral Homes
Randall Weeks, Jr.
Very Rev. Richard Wilson, V.G.
Michael Wojcik
Leonard Worsley