30th Annual FACE Fall Scholarship Dinner

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We Gratefully Acknowledge our Generous Sponsors!

Our Presenting Sponsors! – $25,000

Scholar Council – $10,000

Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Richard and Muriel Lafrance and Family
Prima CARE Scholarship Foundation & Prima CARE PC

Student Mentor – $5,000

Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus
Nantucket Pavers Inc.
Nicholas & Meg Christ
Noreen Cotter
My Brother’s Keeper
Stonehill College

Patron Sponsor – $3,000

Bishop Stang High School
Castro, Thresher and Oliveira

Paul Downey
Arthur J. Gallagher and Company
Holy Redeemer Parish
HUB International
Poyant Signs
St.  Anne’s Hospital Brown University Health
St. Julie Billiart Parish
Robert F. Stoico/FIRSTFED Charitable Foundation 

Community Sponsor – $1,000

Anonymous – In appreciation to Pat and Tom for their longtime support of Catholic Education
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Keith and Maryanne Bombaugh
Boston Document Systems
Brown Advisory
David Chalker – Barlett Tree Service
Committee to Elect Jennifer Sullivan – 
Bristol County Clerk of Courts
Corporate Image Apparel, Inc.
Espirito Santo School
Polly and John Feitelberg
Fisher Bus, Inc.
Gerard Lemieux
Letter Concepts, Inc.
Lincoln Financial Group
Mechanics Cooperative Bank
John and Brenda Moreira
Joseph Paulo
Dr. and Mrs. M. Richard Pavao
Matthew Pichette
RX Benefits
James Sabra
Southcoast Health
St. Anne’s Credit Union
St. Joan of Arc Church
St. John the Evangelist Parish, Pocasset
St. Mary’s Parish and School
Carl and Natalie Taber

Donations & Tickets

ADAC, Inc.
Air Masters | A Division of the RISE Group 
All Island Landscape
All Saints School
Amergent, Inc.
Paul Antonellis
Araujo Farms
Atlantic Cleaning
Bishop Feehan High School
Richard Brewer
Bryant St. Landscaping
Atty. Peter Bullard
Maria Bunker
Rev. Jeffrey Cabral
Ryan Camilleri
Rui and Amy Canito – RC Lawn Service & Snow Removal
James and Lori Castro
Catholic Schools Alliance
A. Melanie Cherry
Nicholas L. Christ
Greg Clarkin
Honorable Claudine Cloutier
Commons Restaurant
Kevin Cryan
Davol Taunton Printing, Inc.
Ellen Demetrius
Mary Ann Dupelle
Thomas Durkin
Feno Plumbing
Dale Ferris
Marissa Ferris
Gary and Lynn Forrester
Paula and John Freitas
Dennis and Maureen Gilligan
Dan Higgins – New Bedford Star Kids
Raymond Holland
Holy Name Church and School
Holy Trinity School
Donald Hourihan
Gary Howayeck
David Hutchinson
Jardin & Dawson
Paul Kawa
Dennis and Michelle Kelly
Aline Kenney
Margaret Keras
Knights of Columbus Holy Cross Council
Ed Lambert
Lee’s Market
Gerard Lemieux
Steve Lima
Lions Club of Fall River
Daniel Long
Patrick Long

Thomas Long
Albert Makkay, Jr.
Maureen Makkay
Mallard Printing
Eileen Manchester
John Markey
Martelly Building – Billy Eccles
James Mathes
Joan Medeiros
John Mitchell
William and Louise Morse
Frances Murphy
Tom and Holly Murray
Carolyn Novo
Our Lady of Lourdes School
Pacheco Appraisal Service
Matthew Payette
Marie Pellegrino
Plante Jewelers
Alan Pontes
Peter Powers
Richard Poyant
Diane and James Quinn
Ralco Electric – Rene Lachapelle
Joseph Reardon
Regal Floor
Jane and Kevin Robin
Rockland Trust Bank
Senator Michael Rodrigues
Roia Electric – Jason Roia
James Sabra
Saulino & Silvia, P.C.
Robert Shaker
Sherry Construction
Philip Silvia
Simon’s Contracting LLC
Somerset Glass Co., Inc.
Helene Sousa
Southcoast YMCA
St. Francis Xavier School
St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro
St. Joseph School and Parish
St. Mary’s Parish and School
St Michael’s Credit Union
St. Pius X School
St. Stanislaus School
St. Teresa of Calcutta School
Joseph and Mary Voci
Elizabeth Voss
Rev. Msgr. Barry W. Wall
James and Lynn Wallace
Waring Sullivan Funeral Homes
Randall Weeks
Rev. Richard Wilson
Leonard Worsley