Thank You for Making the 27th Annual FACE Summer Gala a Success!
Thank you to Our Generous Sponsors!
The Carney Family Charitable Foundation
BENEFACTOR ~ $15,000
PATRON ~ $10,000
BayCoast Bank
John P. Redding
FRIEND ~ $5,000 – $9,999
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Avila, V.P.S., Pastor
St. Joseph Guardian Of The Holy Family Parish, Falmouth
Janet and C. Michael Daley
Rosalyn and John Doran
Mary and Bob Doyle
Rev. Thomas Frechette, Pastor,
St. John The Evangelist Parish, Pocasset
Tom and Pat Marmen
Albert Moore, Gleason Family Foundation
Rev. Jack Schrader, Pastor, Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich
Jonathan and Patricia Stott
Mike and Sue White
MENTOR ~ $3,000 – $4,999
Rev. John Kelleher, Pastor,
St. Pius X Parish, South Yarmouth
Rev. Gregory Mathias, Pastor, Our Lady Of Assumption Parish, Osterville
And Our Lady Of Victory Parish, Centerville
The Murphy Family, Falmouth Toyota
Frank A. Sullivan
Rev. John Sullivan, Pastor,
Holy Redeemer Parish, Chatham
SUPPORTER ~ $1,000 – $2,999
Marilyn and Joe Benoit
John and Kathleen Breslin
Bradford and Barbara Caron
William and Maryann Christie
Richard And Marilyn Colman
John Druley
Raymond Fava
Edward A. Flaherty
Larry and Karen Gelsomini
Maryellen and Jim Hughes
Theresa C. Morrison
Rev. John Murray, Pastor, St. Mary Our
Lady Of The Isle Parish, Nantucket
Prima CARE, PC
Rev. Peter Scheffer, Pastor, St. Joan
Of Arc Parish, Orleans
Rev. Thomas Washburn, Pastor,
Holy Trinity Parish, W. Harwich